The University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering, Department of Civil/Environmental Engineering and many other units allowed and allocated many sources that enabled the team to achieve its scientific and research goals professionally and by the latest available technologies. Here are the most prominent sources available to our research group.
Energy Monitoring and Assessment Equipment
We are equipped with energy assessment resources, which enable the collection of measureable data in addition to visual inspection through use of infrared cameras. Tools include, tablets, infrared cameras, smart meters, and voltmeters.

Air Quality Monitoring Equipment
Graywolf software and sensor interface technology measures total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM0.5, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM5.0, PM10), relative humidity (RH), ozone (O3), temperature, and formaldehyde (HCHO).
Black carbon (BC) samples are collected using AethLab’s Mini Aethalometer. Real-time analysis is conducted by measuring the rate of change in absorption of transmitted light due to continuous collection of aerosol deposits on teflon-coated borosilicate glass fiber filter strips.
Dylos particle counters are used to monitor fine and coarse particles and then data is averaged in ten-second intervals. Purple Air.
Ogawa passive samplers are used to measure NOx and SO2 both indoors and outside of the home.
AQMesh monitors are used to collect ambient concentrations of nitric oxide (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), atmospheric pressure, and particulate matter (mass and raw counts).

Software Tools
Our lab uses the following software packages:
SimaPro life cycle assessment (LCA) software, including licenses for ecoinvent and other life cycle inventory databases. We also use Athena Impact Estimator for Building LCA.
Statistical analysis software: R, SPSS, SAS, and SPlus.
Computer aided design (CAD) and Building information modeling (BIM): AutoDesk AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUp, and Green Building Studio with updated licenses each year for new editions.
Energy modeling software including EnergyPlus, OpenStudio, eQuest, Design-Builder, Green Building Studio, and Trnsys.
Geo-spatial and mapping software: ArcGIS